Perforating Operations

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QAQC Checklists

Prior to mobilising equipment, where possible, it is a good idea to visit vendors premises to inspect equipment & ensure the equipment meets the requested specifications & requirements of the planned operations. The checks in the documents are by no means exhaustive, they may not all be relevant for the perticular piece of equipment being mobilised, however, they will give an indication of the type of checks or questions that can be asked to give conifdence in pre-mobilisation QA/QC assurance. Particularly useful if inspecting equipment you are unfamiliar with.

Perforation Operations

Checklists for equipment such as:

Workshop Containers

Explosives Bunker

Perforating Guns

Ancilliary Equipment

Pre-mobilisation checklists for equipment including:

Pumps & Control Panels

Pipework Packages

Air Supply Packages

Pressure Test Equipment

Hand Tools

Lifting & Securing Equipment


Workshop Containers

Air Compressors