About CWI Applications

Oil Industry Career

Welcom to CWI Applications. I look forward to providing you with time saving engineering calculation apps that meet CWI specific needs.

This web site has been created to publish & share Oil & Gas industry Completion & Well Intervention apps that I have created. Over the last 35 years in the industry I have collected & created dozens of useful calculation apps & spreadsheets to save time when planning projects. Now I'm in the later stages of my career, i have found time to collate the ones I found most useful into the same format. I hope that the apps available on this web site can prove as useful to you as they have to me.


Saudi Rig Site

Throughout my career I have had the pleasure of working in UK, Norway Netherlands, Italy, Nigeria, Angola, Algeria, Saudi Arabia & Canada.

My whole career has been spent in Completions & Well Interventions. I have planned & executed many different operations including, Xmas Tree & Wellheads repairs, WellTest, Slickline, E-Line, Coiled Tubing, Workovers & Completions, Well Integrity & Well Stimulation. 

I have had a long & enjoyable career in the industry & hope to continue until retirement in the CWI field I have been dedicate to for so long.






In 1990, having learnt my trade as a mechanic, I decided to join the oil & gas industry. I started carrying out service & repair work on subsea tree & wellhead equipment, then spent 4 years carrying out repair work on downhole tools.

In 1996 I decided to move into field operations & accepted a position in Well Testing. In those days many locations still didnt use data aquisition or used systems that were prone to malfunction, this is when I started creating my own spreadsheets & applications to help me with WellTest calculations

Moved position into Completions & Well Interventions.  Continued field work on offshore platforms as well as drilling rigs on land & sea. 

Having spent 17 years travelling around the world carrying out field operations, I decided to take an onshore role here in Aberdeen. I have planned & written programmes for hundreds of completion & well intervention operations. During this time I have created dozens of calculation apps that have proved to be a huge time saving.

Over the last 35 years I have created dozens of usefull apps & spreadsheets, in 2021 I decided to compile them all into the same format & publish them in the hope that other engineers will find them as useful as I have.